Nnomb circular a-16 pdf

The appendices to this circular also include responsibilities for protecting federal information resources and managing personally identifiable information pii. A16 supplemental guidance nsdi geospatial data theme principles are maintained on the fgdc website under. Coordination of geographic information and related spatial data activities this circular provides direction for federal agencies that produce, maintain or use spatial data either directly or indirectly in the ful. Any word defined under the companies act, the sfa, or the listing manual, or any statutory modification thereof and not otherwise defined in this circular shall have the same. The geospatial data act of 2018 crs reports congress. Circular a76 in html, wpd or pdf 29k format, dated 080483. Omb circular a16, revised august 19, 2002, is a government circular that was created by the. Available at the circular provides direction for federal agencies that produce. This circular establishes a coordinated approach to electron. Omb circular a16 also called for development of a national digital spatial information resource to enable the sharing and transfer of spatial.

While it is the responsibility of all agency leadership, program managers, and staff to implement the requirements of this circular, agency heads have ultimate. Omb circular a16, dated 101990 coordination of surveying, mapping, and related spatial data activities. The most significant change in this revision is the addition of a new section on responsibility for coordination. Issues and challenges for federal geospatial information. Instructions or information issued by omb to federal agencies. Coordination of geographic information and related spatial. Omb circular a16 and supplemental guidance federal.

The us national spatial data infrastructure inspire. Omb circular a16, coordination of geographic information, and related spatial data activities 08192002 omb circular a19, legislative coordination and clearance 09201979 omb circular a21, cost principles for educational institutions 05102004 html or pdf 109 pages, 263 kb, relocated to 2 cfr, part 220 30 pages, 384 kb. Any reference in this circular to any enactment is a reference to that enactment as for the time being amended or reenacted. This section outlines the responsibilities of three federal departments department of the interior doi, department of commerce doc and department of state dos. The circular provides direction for federal agencies that produce, maintain, or use spatial data either directly or indirectly in the fulfillment of their mission and provides for improvements in the coordination and use of spatial data. The gda codifies aspects of omb circular a16, authorizing many of. A19 revised september 20, 1979 table of contents 1. These are expected to have a continuing effect of two years or more. The circular provides direction for federal agencies that produce, maintain or.

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